Speech Jammer Отзывы пользователей

Стало хуже

Не получается выгрузить файл на сервер. Пишет ошибку. Кроме того каждые две минуты реклама ещё и со звуком. Дайте хоть возможность отключать её за деньги.


Интересное, необычное приложение которое поможет развлечься

Интересная идея. Хороший способ развлечься. Вот только жалко забросили приложение разработчики.


Очень понравилось нам с друзьями весь день развлекались теперь речь просто так такая же;))))

Кто от Стаса пальцы вверх! ;))

Отличное приложение

Крутое приложение

Пугающие и крутое приложения!

Крутое приложение, безумно мне понравилось!) Рекомендую! Не висеть и скачивается буквально за минуту)


Просто класс! С другом смеялись целый день!!! 5+


This game is ok, I mean it’s not very fun or funny and it kinda works on me but I sing songs by memory and it can’t mess me up.

Be careful

Now I did not use this app because well my phone died and I don’t feel like torturing myself with this app. Now people have almost passed out from this app. How? Idk but if a real doctor can tell me please tell me. I am not a doctor nor do I plan on becoming one but I really like medical things. Ty

Bad sound quality and doesn't work

Just don't install there are better ones out there

Don’t even work

Doesn't even work

Pretty Good

Pretty Good App, worked well my whole family did it and it was pretty fun. The reason 4 stars instead of 5 is because there is a LOT of dating ads in the app that show pretty revealing photos.

Great app for me

I have stutter and this app works great for me to increase my fluency. I have one suggestion please develop this kind of app for Apple Watch too

I almost passed out!

I think this is a great app if you want to actually hear your voice but I was like saying stuff for a few minutes and I started to feel like I wanted to pass out so if you wanna like hear yourself talk you should definitely download this app but don’t use it for too long because you might pass out

Does nothing

This app literally did nothing I was able to speak normal and after I started to feel light headed


I tried this with a friend and at first I started to feel loopy and my words were definitely slurred 😂 but then after a few minutes after not using the app my speech just suddenly “stopped working” if that makes sense!Its been over two months and I only used the app for about 10 - 15 minutes and my speech is still a mess.IM NOT SURE IF THIS IS JUST ME OR NOT but to this day I can’t talk properly and it’s very annoying not having people understand what you are saying...I don’t recommend this to anyone!!!!

Don’t bother

It’s really boring after some time and it keeps crashing

Honestly it didn’t work

I kept talking and nothing happened. I talked normally.


Didn’t really work for me. My speech didn’t do anythjng


As soon as I downloaded it I would press the green button like it asked and then it would immediately crash and it never worked ever.

doesn’t work - for me.

this does not work at all for me, it just sounds like an echo.


I think it sucked and it didn’t even make me stutter. I just can’t read. Just dont buy it (:

It didn’t work

I tried a lot it didn’t work it’s a scam do not try it that’s why I put one star

Really fun app

I actual found this app to be really well done. It works with AirPods also, which is a bonus

Doesn’t make me stutter

I had my volume on max and I had earphones, but I could easily speak and didn’t get confused at all. I tried with a slow delay and with a longer one, but it doesn’t make a difference for me.

Didn’t work

It didn’t record a video and didn’t mess my talking/recording


Every time I press the record button it closes the app needs to be fixed

Simple but boring

All it does is have you hear your own speech in your headphones that's delayed from when you're speaking, so it could potentially mess up what you're saying. Hearing myself speak doesn't really affect me so it's just listening to me talking.

It’s ok

For some people it seems really hard, but for me it was actually pretty easy to talk, maybe I was doing it wrong? Idk, but I think it depends on the person. For me it wasn’t that fun but other than that the app is fine.


This app is the funniest thing ever and I really had a good silly time using it

It didn’t work. I m disappointed

All I heard was my voice repeating itself for a short while. It was fairly easy to speak. I even recorded myself to go back if something interesting happened. I went back to check the footage and still nothing

It’s not working at all I put it up to max nothing

I am sad this does not work is it the way I move the thing??


It works great the one star reviews are from before bugs were fixed it is a funny way to talk to your friends or family it might give you a little headache so don’t use it for longer than an hour at a time

Fun but

The app is really fun but if u use it to much u feel like ur gonna pass out and sometimes it doesn’t make a sound idk if I’m using the app wrong or what

Won’t download

The app won’t download on my phone, is it because I’m in iOS beta


This is a super fun app:) !


It just doesn’t work

Be careful

It might just be me but after using it for like 10 minutes I felt really out of everything like I was dreaming and I started shaking and sluring my words uncontrollably. I used it for like an hour and literally can not stop shaking. I’m also very paranoid.


Tell me I’m not the only one here form that tik tok 🤣

Very fun

If aren’t careful, you’ll definitely mess up your words. But some people try really hard and think before they speak so it doesn’t work with them

It’s hard

I don’t like when it repeats

it made me so sick

it made me feel so sick after only using it for 5 minutes and i still feel sick 2 hours later please do not get this . if i could rate it a negative-283838 i would


Fun to use for SHORT durations(1-2 minutes). After a while will make you feel like you’re going to pass out.

Doesn’t work at all

Turner delay up and down and volume way up. Super easy to talk! The app does not work well at all


Maybe I’m just smarter than everyone else but it didn’t work on me at all it only repeats once which is pointless try the online website for voice jammer

If I could give zero stars I would

Every time I press the button to start the speech jam the app closes itself and repeats that process every time I press that button.

Works fine

This app was a very fun experience. I had none of the troubles that are mentioned in all the other reviews.

It works

The game makes me stutter and take long pauses in between words


This app is pretty funny, and me and my friend were trying to say stuff, but after a few minutes I started feeling wierd like I was on happy gas, and like I was going to pass out. It may be just me, but if not, I advise not using this more than a few minutes.


I got this just to see what it wa... Bad idea it was. Reading this review is better than will give you more pleasure than the app?

Needs a few changes

It’s fun, but I find it only works if it’s very loud. I think it would also be more fun if it repeated multiple times instead of just once. Adds can occasionally crash the app. The tongue twisters are easy too, maybe add a difficult setting and harder

App does nothing and caused an alert on my routers anti virus

My mcafee router blocked several connections from this app. Also nothing in it functioned.


it doesn’t work with airpods or bluetooth headphones? i don’t understand why though

Doesn’t work

Doesn’t work


dosent work with airpods

This was absolutely horrible

This app was so bad. It kept disconnecting from my headphones and didn’t delay my speech not one bit. It was absolutely terrible.

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